Thursday, March 22, 2007

I am here

Right, where was I? In the midst of trying to create and / or finding a job. My previous posting suggested I was creating one already in an environment which could be a platform to generate money necessary to be getting payed at all. Well, it turned out that this multimedia business was managed by a very utilitarian person with lots of ideas, practices, and plans, but without the will to listen very well (or a subversive game was played). The things I did there were of no importance to him, but he let me do it, as being unpayed. Although he invested in material, his main aim was that work done might be of use. Well, installing a computer network overthere was far beyond his imagination capabilities I suppose... I don't know what was going on there but I started noticing some strange remapping of earlier plans what made me nervous and suddenly suspicious, so I left.

It made me sadder but wiser (I presume) but my time spent there did not help me in the least. Down I went in a psychological turmoil. Then some psychologist suggested to me that when people tend to have high adrenaline (sorry: epinephrine is the AngloSaxon term) levels all the time during a long stretch of time people around you may not tolerate this very long while your behaviour may be extra dynamic (though not aggressive), and Uselve might becoming to suffer a deep crisis and eventually heart failure. It did not come to this however, but concentration on normal life went a bit difficult.
I completely forgot this epinephrine theorem but the symptoms returned this year, and perhaps resulted in me being sacked once more. Yes! I found a job, cleaning living areas and bushes from excessive littering, which was very appeasing to my mind and soul, and I needed this clearly, my being being terrorized by anger mostly triggered by international politics, not in the least that administered by the United States of AssasSins. Yes, although U were attacked (or might have been attacked) by a foreign entity of which almost no shred of convincing evidence seemed to have been necessary to fuck up (at least) two entire countries it never lead to intelligible actions that even meet commonly agreed on civilized standards by far.
That is why I will use this SOUND domain to redirect U from here, before we all plunge in too deep a mess.


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